DoQui DoQui Panic

Three Colours is the fucking bomb.

Re: "Head" : Even I have limits.

Sometimes I think I'm a robot designed to cry at any and every musical montage conclusion to tv shows or films.

You do know he was beaten to death, right?

I'm pretty terrible at breaking down and identifying story structure in Community (or anything else) but I get the strangest feeling that in Jeff's hacky stand up routine, Jeff goes through all the steps of Dan Harmon's story circle- starting as himself, becoming Tommy Toluca and reemerging as himself at the end.

My finest hour: winning at Game and Wario: Pictionary (Wii U) and telling my opponents to "just call me Miley Stylus".

I came in about a year late for Community but the first episode I watched was the pilot, which I thought was brilliant and resonant and remains in my top 3 episodes to this day.

No movie has been made that was based on Silent Hill 2. The SH movies have been based on SHs 1 and 3 respectively which is baffling because SH 2 is the only game in the series that is really stand-alone.



Thanks. I really appreciate that.

I've been thinking a lot about the part of this episode where Mikehale tells Britta that she has "nothing to lose".

Holy shit, yes.

I'm sure that there are people who boycotted the show once Slater left.

Kind of hypocritical of Harmon and Co. to whitewash pirates in one show but not in another.

The former played a hearthrob character convincingly at least once?


*Pinky swear*.

Thank you for introducing me to "they fight crime".

DKCR is possibly my favourite 2D platformer ever.