John Seminario

Who would've thought that a show about zombies could still be done to death!

Look at all that blue text!

The biggest question of all, though, is which character will become the Daryl of this show? Or does that not apply here? Is this a show where we just want all of the characters to die?

From the previews, it looks like the drug addict gets bitten at some point during the season. There also seemed to be a scene of him getting knocked out, and presumably taken, by a soldier. Should that be the case, it may actually be interesting to see someone go through the process of being taken and experimented on

The writers should find a way to introduce time travel into the universe just so we can see our present-day Rick show up and murder all of these dumb idiots.

Nothing in the episode really piqued my interest. It's hard to say whether or not that's their fault, though, because I may just finally be suffering from zombie fatigue. I've seen the show, I've checked out the comics, I've played the Telltale games - hell, I even tried out that godawful Survival Instinct game when

It's a bit scruffy lookin'.

Currently playing Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes and loving every minute of it - all 15 minutes of it! In all seriousness though, it's a great fucking game and an even greater tease for Phantom Pain. All of the side-ops have also made it very replayable for me. It has a lot of content if you want it to.

Surprised to not see anything from Archer. Believe it or not, though, I don't really have a go-to pop-culture phrase. Anyway, how's your sex life?

This looks like an R-rated version of the Burnout 3 crash events.

I don't have a PS4, can somebody tell me how this ends?

He never even referenced those games. In fact, he only referenced Gone Home, which is far from the COD's and GTA's of the world. There are a lot of games that try to do this, whether you know about them or not. Maybe this one just wasn't very good.

And these dumb idiots already announced Fantastic Four 2!

Was I wrong in thinking that Archer was moving to FXX?

And in 3D!

Aw man. :/

Pretty sure the writers are also pretty heavily to blame for this. I'd explain why, but I don't even have time to explain why I don't have time to explain!

And the live-action remake will probably be even better!

Best Case Scenario: This show defies all expectations and turns out great / this show ends up being so bad that it gets cancelled after two seasons.

They've actually secretly been piecing together one avant garde masterpiece all these years.