John Seminario

We finally got the shrunken characters Adam Reed teased us about before the season began, now we just need the team of villains coming together to bring them down. Also, should the show ever last long enough, I could totally see Cyril becoming a villain when he eventually just can't take it anymore. The bad guy with a

Honestly, why even mention the single player campaign? APRIL FOOL'S, am I right?

The new Assassin's Creed game will finally let players visit China like they've always wanted to, in a way they never wanted to.

I doubt it'll be what it was in print. I wouldn't be surprised to see something happen to him though.


She wasn't the one who stole the gun, so I was wrong about that, but I'm still willing to think she was at least somehow involved with them at some point. According to people who read the comics, there's a potential plot line coming up where Carl is wounded in some sort of way. Her having some kind of ties to the

Maggie's bad at showing concern for the people closest to her. And she knows Glenn will obviously be back. He's Glenn!

People don't need to die for it to be a good season finale, which I thought it was. The deaths that did go down were significant (no more architect with a new potential threat on the horizon / no more doctor when, well, a new potential threat is on the horizon) and the deaths that didn't go down (Glenn finding it in

Update: This may be what Norman Reedus meant when he said the finale is going to make a lot of people really mad.

Pete presumably drunkenly stumbled into a lot of homes looking for a weapon to use against Rick before he found Michonne's sword. Where's that scene, 90 minute season finale?

Who needs the X-Men when he's got CHAPPiE money?

I guess Hugh Jackman realizes that even a superhero with a mutant healing factor can still be done to death.

I was ready to be bothered if "I Want You To Want Me" wasn't on here. Now I don't have to be.

Rick was just doing what any sane and rational police officer would do: Choke a man to death.

I'm sure there's some sort of Walking Dead formula master list out there for anyone making anything about it:

Rick should've bitten the shit out of Pete's neck in front of everyone. That would've gotten his point across.

Yeah, it seems like she only asked him. Biased much, Deanna?

Potential Spoiler / Imminent Question: Daryl and Aaron are scouting for survivors to take in; for GOOD survivors to take in. Why are they even entertaining the thought of pursuing these zombie mutilators? I mean, I guess they wanna know if some wacky nut jobs (other than Rick) are gonna show up unannounced, but still.

I've gotten mad at people for a lot of ridiculous Walking Dead predictions (maybe The Governor will show back up with, like, a metal plate in his head), but seeing people actually think that the "W" (no, not the "M") on the zombies stands for Morgan may just take the cake.