Is this what that whole "Cut For Bieber" thing was?
Is this what that whole "Cut For Bieber" thing was?
Here's just one of the many problems I have with the newest installments: the lightsaber fights. In the original trilogy, the fights weren't about being a fancy ballerina, but about what was happening with the characters while everything was going on. You rarely see a jedi use their lightsaber in the original trilogy…
That's actually what all Catholic churches look like.
The Return Of Jackie And Judy made me not miss them very much. That and the fact that it's on that shitty Phil Spector album…
Faux House… Haha…
"Don't worry, ma'am! I'm a federal agent and I'm coming! By God I'm coming for you!" "Goddammit! What was wrong with phrasing?!?"
I believe that's the first episode of season four. I don't remember the name, but I think it was Fun Run? I don't know… I watch too much Office… It was a double episode, I think, but definitely the first or second of the fourth season.
"If they're stupid enough to watch this shit, they're stupid enough to download some app just to see the trailer!" - Amazing Spider-Man Marketing Team
Maybe Hugh Jackman realizes that even a superhero with a mutant healing factor can still be done to death.
The Simpsons Mega Bloks episode actually came out a few weeks ago, but went straight to VHS.
I hope Han shot first…