
Don’t forget the White House. Al shows up there so often that the Butler saves a plate for him in the kitchen.

I agree with you about that. I did like the actor who portrayed Stonewall. Did like the touches that remid is that the Confederates were mid-Victorians, something that somehow did does not come out in “Gone With THE Wind.” Even the enlisted soldiers wrote more interesting letters than we do, If they were under

The movie is about the way that the liberal ideology has captured the culture. It is not Obama’s new world order, the progressive world order, America as viewed by the sort of people who voted for Henry Wallace in 1948, who still to think day think that the Soviet Union was a kind of “noble experiment” that went bad,

Beg pardon? Ebert was a good movie critic and he was not in love with “arts movies,” the way so many are. But his views of history were liberal and conventional.

I don’t think Jessie even thinks about other blacks anymore. Whatever, I compare him with the radical populist white Tom Watson, who started out trying to forge an alliance between poor white and poor black farmers in Georgia, and ended up as a cynical, racebaiter of the worst sort. Jessie found out that the whites

This apparently applies to almost all the movies made about the wars in Southwest Asia, at least those with a liberal slant. Even with name actors, they are duds.

I liked Roger Ebert, If I wanted to see a good movie, I would go to his review. I seldom disagreed with his verdict. BUT his politics were hopelessly naive, and colored by a dogmatic liberalism . I once had an exchange of views with him about the movie “God and Generals.” He could not stand for any depiction of