John Saleeby


Interracial porn is The Official Porn Of The "Crazy, Man, Crazy" Comedy Pod Cast!

"Electric Company", "Doug Henning", I was afraid Gallagher was next.

"But Jake . . . She's a CHILD!"

It's a Total SCAM! There is no such Game as Chess. They are just sitting there posing while suckers admire their intellect. Gene Roddenberry and Leonard Nimoy attempted to expose the whole sick fraud with the Hilarious Satire of 3D Chess on "Star Trek" but NBC got cold feet and cut out the Crazy Jokes! Chess! Fuck you!

But with the crazy "Shooting Out Of Contuity" thing they do - Won't there be moments where they will be YOUNGER than they were in the Scene before? Or is SCIENTOLOGY involved?

Fuck them and their "Sitting At The Table Staring At The Little Black And White Things" bullshit.

I HATE Parents!

Oh, it's cool. Today turned out to be National Do Nut Day so they gave me a Free Do Nut even though I didn't ask for one.

I heard the one where he talks about "Big Balls" for a few minutes. I Love AC/DC but I hate that fuckin' Song.

Uh . . . No.

"What an adorable little Mall Cop."


You had to mention that! Geez!

When I was a kid I saw Phippe Petit walk across the inside of the Superdome. On a ROPE, I mean. Anyway, it was really great.

Motherhood is not Ironic!

I don't know. I think I was asleep when I posted that. I'm awake now. This one will be really good!

Hhhhmmm, that raises so many questions than a visit to your Mom.

Bridget Bardot makes Marilyn Monroe look like somebody's Mom.

You're being CRAZY!