He shoots...he SCORES! For the win. Nicely done, friend.
He shoots...he SCORES! For the win. Nicely done, friend.
Nothing happens?! Guy gets shot in the chest within the 1st minute!
Didn’t realize SPF was a racist.
The same thing can be said about filing frivolous lawsuits and wasting the court’s time and resources. Sure legally you’re allowed to do it, but you shouldn’t. And if you do, you risk the consequences of losing.
Grief greed is a helluva drug.
Why is it cruel to make people who brought a frivolous lawsuit to the courts and wasted everybody’s time and money pay for their recklessness?
Why? Because justice was served?
Depends on the agreement. But usually, yes. As it should be. You can’t just go around suing everybody and expect them to pay for it if you lose.
This will sound harsh, but this is good news. The only reason these fuckers sued Century is because they figured they had deep pockets and they’d get a nice payday. Obviously they weren’t going to get any $ from the actual murderer.
I once worked at a company in Los Angeles who’s entire IT department got fired because they were running a secret server where they would store porn, and admin some swingers message board where they would schedule after work and weekend sex parties.
Because we’re not afraid of differing opinions even if they’re fucked up and we don’t agree.
Sounds like the poor guy needs a bigger office.
Agreed. Washcloths are fucking gross. Unless you use a brand new or freshly cleaned one every time.
There’s this cool invention called “surgery” that does wonders.
Newsflash: Not every comment is about you.
It’s probably an incredibly good investment. The way you think about money might be why you don’t have any.
Hey! Corporations are people too, ya know!
No. Stop it.
What a cunt.
Not that big of a deal if you’re just having sex for fun and don’t plan on being pregnant, but for people who are trying to have kids, this shit is terrifying.