
You should learn to take a victory when you get one. Even the small ones.

That might be all in your head.

I’ve seen people say pretty much the exact same thing to and about male celebs. This isn’t a sexist thing, it’s an ignorance thing. The guy is an entitled douchebag who doesn’t understand the rules.

“Rapey”? “Male gazey”? Are you fucking kidding me? The guy is a rude fuckstick, but “rapey” is a little much.

HEY! Not all saggy nutsacks!

There was a time when I would never, ever use “easy” mode in a video game. But now, with career, kids, nagging wife, etc. I just can’t spend that much time playing these games. “Easy” mode is a great way for me to get through games in a reasonable amount of time and still get some enjoyment out of them.

Sounds like you’re a well-adjusted human. Unlike these weird vegan militants.

I’m not a vegetarian by any means, but I love to eat at Cafe Gratitude. Another restaurant I used to love when I lived in Silverlake was Cobras and Matadors (I think that location has since shut down). They served amazing meat dishes on small plates. Guess what?! I found out that the head chef was a vegan. He still

I’m not a vegetarian by any means, but I love to eat at Cafe Gratitude. Another restaurant I used to love when I lived in Silverlake was Cobras and Matadors (I think that location has since shut down). They served amazing meat dishes on small plates. Guess what?! I found out that the head chef was a vegan. He still

I’m not a vegetarian by any means, but I love to eat at Cafe Gratitude. Another good restaurant I enjoy is a vegan place called Real Food Daily. The food at all of these places is quite delicious. Another restaurant I used to love when I lived in Silverlake was Cobras and Matadors (I think that location has since shut

Oof. I want to like this, but the acting looks so bad. And the writing... [cringe]

I think everyone should have to register for civil service when they’re 18. Then they spend 2 years serving their country in some capacity. It wouldn’t have to be the military, but that could be an option for those who want to.

Shit. Technically, 18 is a grown ass adult.

It’s so authentic!

I’m a thousandaire and even I have a will (such as it is). How is it possible that this guy’s advisers overlooked this detail? Incredible.

Will they all start menstruating on the same schedule? I heard that happens.

That’s also one of the reason British television is so much better. They’re not ashamed to put ugly, super talented people on camera.

It only indicates that they’re stupid teenagers who don’t have an original thought in their pea brains. Tattoos are so fucking passe.

They didn’t “deserve” to die, but they put themselves into a bad spot. Actions have consequences.