John R Rybock

Just the tone with which Jimmy yelled "I don't wanna! No one wanna!" kept cracking me up for some reason.

I'm with you. Sara was kind of like an alcoholic - "I need to learn to bring this beating people up issue under control, and I can't do it spending my days with people out nightly getting into fights." Based on some fan theory about this season of "The Flash", I have an idea of why they wrote JWS out of the regular

I really enjoyed this episode, and really liked the Oliver-Felicity stuff… it's asked what good reason Oliver would have to be jealous of Ray? None, really, though you could tick of a few things about how Felicity is more like Ray than Oliver. But that's irrelevant, because we're dealing with relationships. Logic need

I'm wondering if they're going to get into the Speed Force notion, possibly by having Zoom's motivation to eliminate other speedsters to hog it all for himself. Though, then why leave Barry alive (speed offers healing, so story-wise, there's a chance he'll walk again)… though there is one theory of Zoom's identity

Wow, watched as much Carol Burnett as I could when they were running on TV, don't recall ever seeing this episode, even though I've long been an Alda fan. Great find. And such a great example of the show, where they could do "sketches" that were close to being a whole sitcom episode on its own. Such a great show.

Given what I/we know about Hank from the comic books, I didn't pick up his "Alex" sense as being hearing, but perhaps picking up what she was doing on the computer.

I realize that TV directing is almost a thankless task, especially shows that change directors every week. But just to note, this ep was directed by John Badham, who gave us "Saturday Night Fever", "Wargames", "Blue Thunder" and "Short Circuit" among others… he's mostly worked in TV since 2002 or so, but it also

"What about a scale? That would be thoughtful. Girls are always asking if they look fat. With a scale, they'd know for sure." Can't fault the logic.

Wells' E-2 daughter was played by Violett Beane. The character wasn't named, but previous announcement had her playing "Jesse Quick"… wondering how that's all going to play out, especially since Wells' metahuman/speedster detector wasn't going off when she was in the front row of the crowd.

I will say, though, that when Jay said "Earth-2", there was a little resignation in his voice… that he didn't buy it as "#2", but understood their perspective and was willing to go with it.

Now, now, he's only half orangutan.

Sounds like the real secret isn't making $200k a year, but how one buys a $1m car with that income…

That time dilation works for the Empire Strikes Back, making Luke "younger"… however, over their life time, he was planet-bound on Tatooine, while Leia was going all over the galaxy as a member of the Royal House of Alderaan… Luke would be a lot older at the point the movies start, and there wasn't enough separate

"Repo Man" got me… ever since seeing it, I've nearly daily eaten 'Food', and once I was old enough, I've enjoyed a cold 'Beer'.

Can't believe Killer Frost didn't get a mention in the observations.

"The Cousins Amell", I do believe.

I'm just trying to grasp this, not taking a position either way. 34 million streams means $1000 or so. But what does that mean? How does that compare to, say 1 play on radio stations around the country that are getting 34 million listeners? Or, 34 plays on a radio station that has a million listeners?
What I'm trying

OH, and the long boxes they came in… had a wall covered with the front of those boxes back in high school.

First CDs (bought together) were Thriller, and a compilation of the Star Wars Trilogy back in '83.

Then again, the final tag in Avengers, the schwarma scene, was put together after the movie actually premiered and tossed in (Chris Evans had his Snowpiercer beard, which is why his back was to the camera). So, still a few weeks to put something together.