John R Rybock

I'm a fan of the Planet Money podcast from NPR, a good look at economics for non-MBAs, I think. And a couple months ago, they looked at Trump's goal of economic growth… I think he's called for as much as 4% annual, but they looked at 3%, which would still be huge. And they went over things that it would take to make

True. It's not a homogenous group - I work in restaurants, so I've worked with a lot of Latino immigrants, and while I don't know exactly what country doesn't like which the most, it's certainly not great to mistake a Domican as El Salvadorian.

I can certainly understand that. However, I didn't pick up the same vibe off the "Pat" character… I always felt the humor was more jabbing at the people who were hung up on it and felt they needed to figure it out rather than on Pat. Pat's annoyance always seemed to be at those people, and never over what hen's

I caught the new "Gong Show", and there is something there. But it's too long. Same with "Match Game". Maybe it doesn't make economic sense, but then again, these shows are fairly cheap to produce, but I really think they need to take these hour-long shows - shows that were originally only 30 minutes - and cut them in

The ending made sense to me from a showbiz POV…. if Netflix is doing these shows like cable/network shows, the end of the fifth season is when initial contract options are exhausted and new contracts generally have to be made with the actors. So, if that's the case here, they've left everyone in a position where it

They aren't ONLY offering the kids menu to kids; they also have the full regular menu available to them. The kids menu is specifically for kids AND PARENTS who don't want that option. The chefs you asked are right - If there was no kids menu, those standards would be requested by a good number of parents. And

But honestly, don't we ALL want to slap Jared? Oh, wait, you mean the character Zach Woods plays… yeah, I like him.

By misdirection, I meant the comic Vigilante's name was Adrian Chase… so they clearly wanted us to think he was Vigilante, not Promeseus.

So…. Vigilante coming back next season, or just dumped once the narrative misdirection was revealed?

The Flash has a huge reservoir of good will that issues this season are not turning me off… but I think we're still facing a few story issues I hope they flesh out a bit. First, if Tracy is responsible for trapping Savitar in the Speed Force… wouldn't that mean he's trapped there pretty much when it all goes down, and

OK, nerd question that just popped into my mind - there is an idea that Lucas had, though not really expressed well in the movies, that Vader was "less than" his potential because he was so much more mechanical than the Anakin the Emperor set his sights on. "The Force" is tied to his organic parts, not to machines…

A month or so ago, I ended up watching the first episode of "Man About The House" on YouTube… I was surprised how much shot-for-shot it was to the later "Three's Company". I remember when "Coupling" was remade from the same script, and there was a lot of talk about using the same script, unedited. But I think this

I certainly don't know what the actor knows or the decision that goes into the performance… however, I read that line not as a "hey, that's weird, they used the same phrase, I wonder what that means. huh." performance. It was more stoic, more stating a fact that he already suspected. Like he was watching the Green

Pike has worked it out, I believe. After Oliver told him the "Truth" about Green Arrow, he said he'd have to think on it. I think that's when he finally put the pieces together himself. Because he didn't seem surprised GA used the same phrase as the Mayor, but also commented it to himself in a way that I read could be

I think they're being technically correct that there are no plans to digitally recreate Leia. However, they haven't really taken it off the table. Nor should they.
They are in a tough position, and not from some financial standpoint… Leia missing won't kill the box office, she was only in a handful of scenes in VII.

Do you not get CBS on your cable service?

Ragman is a pre-existing DC character, from what I've seen (I don't recall him in any of my comic reading, though). However, there was something of the way the strips of cloth and such were animated, it made me think of the style of Azreal in the Batman Comics (not that he used strips of cloth, but it was the way it

Last week, Katie Nolan on her podcast talked (drunk) with Waters, kinda going over her experience filming it which is coming up in a couple of weeks (…. Thought it was pretty interesting. But what made me think of it was the comment on it being more educational - Waters says something to the

I don't have high hopes for this show, though I do find Weatherly a charming actor. But in the box at the top, it makes this sound like a review of the whole "Season 1"… only picking through the piece do I realize it seems to only be a review of the pilot, and some extrapolation from there. And I've learned to give

Medication when dealing with these things is a tough topic. So many people who don't seem to have serious issues seem happy to take whatever they want; I myself hate the notion. I have a family member who was dealing with a lot of issues before I was, and her doctors threw a ton of pills at the issue. It caused a lot