
I love this post. It's amazing.

Conservation of ninjitsu applies to league members apparently.

Fuck you all.

Fuck you for ruining Buffy.

I jerk off whenever I see Emma Roberts.


Apocalypse quote earns you one like from me.

There is definitely a show called "Too Many Cooks."

No. 6 insufficient concern with what men find attractive.

Haha, Paxo is the best.

In fairness though:
Scientists are liars, any company who has any kind of agenda can pay off some mope scientist to do a study that confirms whatever the company wants you to believe. Why do people think watching TV in the dark is bad for your eyes? (it's not) Well, there was a fraudulent study paid for and highly

I choose to read all of your posts as genuinely being written by Power Girl.

Wendi Deng is dating VLADIMIR PUTIN!? She went from Rupert Murdoch to FUCKING PUTIN!?

Go back and watch Terriers you FUCK.

I liked the slow realisation that June was, in her own way, a pretty awful person too. I mean, big clue, she wants to work in finance.

Pretty sure he's referring to Fierna.

I find Emma Roberts so attractive that I can barely think straight.

Maybe it's an Earth One/Earth Two thing?

I see a pulitzer in her future!

She was terrible, so hooray.