You waste of a soul shaped hole forgotten by God.
You waste of a soul shaped hole forgotten by God.
If you could just follow me around the internet giving concise, informative summaries of pertinent information like this that'd be really great.
But what about 80's Doug?
I cried twice while watching that movie.
It's only a paradox depending on your frame of reference.
I had the biggest crush on Rogue in the 90's.
Lol Panthro
@disqus_DT8q1VdPN9:disqus never change.
"I was on the road to a perfect existence then something awful happened to me at a party and I became a snarky, blonde, rebel, badass."
All the female X-Men?
Ok, Kimmy was rocking her Spirit Cycle work out gear. Omg she MUST'VE had a serious trainer in bunker because her thighs are amazing.
Indian Jones is better.
I think it had to be as silly as it was in order to dilute the nightmare fuel of the premise.
Thea Queen on line one again!
Kimmy has super strength?
Crossfit is HUGELY nerdy. Are you kidding me? It's the nerdiest thing you can do with your body outside of furry sex.
I totally agree with Kayla about being bummed…
The A.V. Club - 2015
That dress though.