Seriously though, how good was that episode?
Seriously though, how good was that episode?
Wait, was it raunchy? The only things I remember from that movie are Gaston's song about himself and Gaston's death.
Wait, was it raunchy? The only things I remember from that movie are Gaston's song about himself and Gaston's death.
What!? You're crazy. It's Michaelangelo.
What!? You're crazy. It's Michaelangelo.
That kind of makes john casey work a lot better for me now.
That kind of makes john casey work a lot better for me now.
And yet when I do that all I get are restraining orders.
And yet when I do that all I get are restraining orders.
I've done it, they knew it, it was awesome.
I've done it, they knew it, it was awesome.
Is fairly legal bad? I was thinking about watching it… sadface.
Is fairly legal bad? I was thinking about watching it… sadface.
That's actually what I want though.
That's actually what I want though.
By watching cable news.
By watching cable news.
Watch the super-girl animated movie. (With summer glau!) It's not amazing but the fight at the end is pretty goddamn boss.
Watch the super-girl animated movie. (With summer glau!) It's not amazing but the fight at the end is pretty goddamn boss.
Forgot his i-mac.