John Ranta

Why would a person who watched a show for two years, who then watched the show's writers and producers turn that show into garbage, not want to comment? Why is everyone here so surprised that there are people who once loved Orphan Black who are now angry that it has become dreck? Do you not understand criticism?

Ahhh, so sorry. I didn't realize the rules - only fanboys allowed. No one can criticize…

I confess, we watched 2 to 3 episodes of season three before we bailed (we had loved it up until then). I haven't watched it at all since, I just assumed it continued its downhill slide. If it got better somehow in season 4, then I'm wrong (but I'd be surprised).

It's not just me being "snobby". This from a recent review by Vox:

Are there no objective standards, is it all subjective? Some shows are simply better than others - the writing, the acting, the story lines. The first two seasons of Orphan Black were, in my perhaps not so humble opinion, far better than the last two. It seems obvious that the writers lost their way last season, and

Don't you get angry with a show in which you've invested time and interest, when it starts to play stupid games with the story? We loved Orphan Black's first two seasons, and really looked forward to the third. Which is when all sorts of idiotic, ridiculous plot twists were added. I get suspension of disbelief, but

I follow AV Club in my newsreader…

Why is anyone still watching this tripe? The first couple of seasons were good. Then they started leap-frogging sharks so often that it became a complete farce. We stopped watching two seasons ago.

Fallon legitimized Trump to his audience. For that he cannot be forgiven. Tina Fey is being a loyal friend, but I'll bet that behind the scenes she's saying "Jimmy, how could you be so stupid?" I used to watch Fallon's show several times a week. I will never watch it again.

Example A on how to write a misleading story. The decline in consumption for all fruit juices has nothing to do with taste, or "little pulpy pieces" (which have not changed). It has to do with the fact that fruit juice has as many calories, and sugar, as a can of Coke. Fruit juice is unhealthy. If your writer wasn't

You can't watch anything without a cable TV subscription. Which more and more of us have dropped. NBC limits itself to a shrinking audience…

I loved this latest episode. TADA was spot-on lampooning of self-righteous "cause mongers". The "silence guru" was hilarious, because he was so annoying. You guys can just send me all your unwatched episodes, I'll watch 'em!

Cachet! Please, cachet. Not "cache"…

The monolith from 2001.