John Pierre

I couldn't agree more! And as Kyle pointed out the idea of alternate lives was clever! I get it, most people are going to criticize this episode because the level of thinking isn't that deep. There was just looking for the shocking off value that all the previous episodes had. This was really very ingenious and

A) this ain’t about last year anymore, this is about creating pressure which is what I’m worried about to as a fan... So I don’t mind this approach.

We don't need Hunt. We got Montgomery plays exactly like Hunt and doesn't come with the PR headache. That's called an upgrade.

It’s actually very difficult. 40+ yards isn't exactly closer up. Hell, even 20 yds out isn't exactly easy. I get you, they have been doing this half their lives so they should be good at it theoretically it shouldn't be that hard. But there's a reason why there's only a handful of elite ones in the league- it's