wow sounds like america is salty that russia did some sick maneuvers in front of our lame ass plane
wow sounds like america is salty that russia did some sick maneuvers in front of our lame ass plane
Is the headline a typo? Is it supposed to read “the first blue moon eclipse in 150 years?”
When his left elbow hit the ground, he lost grip on the ball with his left hand (one might say DROPPED it) and the ball hit the ground. That’s a pretty clear non-catch according to the rules.
From what I understand, the rule is that no matter where the receiver is on the field, he must maintain full possession all the way to the ground for the catch to count. So knee down there isn’t enough, by the rule. The ball moved when he hit the ground. I’m not shocked they reversed the catch.
Those final two minutes was probably the most insane last two minutes this season. Also, speaking on catches, that Gronk catch was absurd as someone that big should not be that nimble.
That picture has obviously been doctored. The moon’s sky is only green on St Patrick’s Day.
Or maybe you’re being acute.
I skimmed through this, but I didn’t see the step where you hum the theme song through the entire process.
D.B. Pooper
I believe 164 BCE was also the last time a Buffalo sports team was in the playoffs.