
Me, I hope she goes back to this after a few years and puts in all the technological flourishes that the album was originally meant to have.

I can only hope they find some way to put tigers in this game. The hardest part about Far Cry 4 was trying to tame the tigers and make them your friends. The harder I tried, the meaner they got. ;(

There are some parts of the Star Wars Special Editions worth savoring, one of which is Boba Fett's cameo in A New Hope!

This is the shittiest article I've read all day!

Can Facetaco open for Anal Oroborous?

Anal Oroborous is my band name!

Make a doo-doo!

I certainly do!

Rouge One has my vote!

Make Batman Great Again!

This take is so hot I had to jump into a vat of ointment.

Do you expect me to toke, Goldfinger?

How many sarahs do you think are on this island?

How is it self-centered? No one forces you to read reviews. Without film criticism, you wouldn't have this website to articulate your trolling so well. You're like the Pauline Kael of trolls.

Did they take cancerAIDS to The Dissolve, or are they still fair game here?

Proms is for tombstones, baby!