
Do you remember tiger temple with that shortcut where you have to use a weapon to blast the door open to use it. I remember I found this by firing a random weapon :P.

I didn't compare CTR levels to MK8 levels...

I also forgot to add the fact that hitting the edges of the boost pads gave you more speed than hitting the pad in the middle.

I don't get how Wario is B list when he has had course in most of the Mario kart games

CTR is miles ahead of Mario Kart. I preferred this game to mk64. For reasons I will explain.

The only Kart game I can't let go :(

This article is a nice effort but you overlooked a few things that should be in the article. For example. You did not mention the trick and boost system in the SRT which I think rewards players so much more for mastering it. When you drift in SRT can switch from drifting from left to right and viceversa without losing

Considering Nigeria is not ruled by any dictatorship I would say...tried harder.

Problem with wow is there is no real satisfaction in the raid content anymore. Gear stats are so evened out that the progression is more of a right of passage that an achievement. Get greens > get blues > blizzard will now give me free epics. There is no struggle. Not saying we should pump mindless hours into the

I think the sister con theme is actually what helps make the show. It gives it something controversial to discuss when talking about the show.

I have been wanting this since vanilla for a lot of things . To change my character's body shape, height and age. I remember finding red dye on a corpse and asking my friend if I can use it to customise the colour of my gear and being disappointed that I could not.

You can get mushrooms in first place. It is really rare though.

I think the only game I have been addicted to is WoW. I dropped all responsibilities and obligations to play. 18 to 20 hours on WoW a day for 18 months after I finished from University...the year 2007-2008 was dark days! I cured this by quitting my guild and closing my account and getting a job. I got a job a week

I don’t think nostalgia comes into play considering that a lot of people are still using gamecube controllers today for competitive smash and on the wii.

SSR transformed is a brilliant game but I would say the skill gap in the game is harsh and it becomes an issue when you have casual gamer friends. It becomes less enjoyable for them when one person is constantly winning. With mario kart you never really get that unless someone is snaking lol. Crash team racing

Same here I owned Nintendo consoles but I have been a sonic fan since after playing it on the master system at a friends house.

Does anyone in the UK remember the image of Sonic and Mario having a bloody punch up on the front of one of the magazines you got with the Sunday Times? Back when a console war actually meant something? :)

Yes like how in the map Rise you can see the bone yard map in the distance when the match starts.

Brotherhood is probably the best one followed by black flag.