
Don’t try to pit those sacks on anybody but the o-line and the front office. the front office willfully put an absolutely horrendous team on the field this season. Its no secret that they didn’t even try to field a competitive team. Which, cool, you want good draft picks. But you’re also putting player’s/qb’s careers

Have you actually read anything on the Kane trial? He was clearly falsely accused. He had the fucking DA going after him and they found nothing on him, plus the whole falsifying evidence thing... Chapman wasn’t even on the Cubs when he pulled that shit. Sounds like you were never that involved in Chicago sports in

You wanted all three to be guilty of assault in order to remain a fan?

I think it was inbetween. I’m sure Doe was under the influence of alcohol [but not pass-out/black-out/slurring/stumbling drunk] and/or weed and coke (they were partying, after all); I suspect she agreed to group sex, and the next day finally put the pieces together that Rose didn’t give a shit about her and basically

One one hand, I feel like this is just another case of a high profile celebrity getting the silky glove of money justice.

On the other, I can see why someone like him can be a target of “we had a wild night of multiple partner sex and now you owe me everything or I’m calling the rape dogs on you”


We get it Canada. You just elected Justin Trudeau. We’re all super stoked for you.

Fortunately, their comments only translate to 75% of any value.

My mom forwarded me this facebook-meme-math-catasrophe. I called the police and now she is safely behind bars for the rest of her rotten life.