John '71 K20 Rustbucket

If I drove my dad’s ‘78 F350 Crew Cab around Jalops would fall over themselves on how rugged and simple the old work truck is even with it’s pre-emissions 7.6L V8 rumbling under the hood and producing noxious exhaust fumes. Drive my 2012 F150 which is smaller, gets better fuel economy, meets DOT safety standards, and

And yet, “Jalops” are ok with my ‘86 C10. Why? It’s a long bed, and massive. “Jalops” would probably be cool if I drove a 5K and parked it downtown.

How many farmers have you seen missing digits? All that time spend standing next to dangerous machinery eventually you’re gonna say “I wonder what would happen if I…”

Nope. Even friendly foreign countries require a real, current Passport for most normal transactions. In Norway and Germany, for instance, you may even get a break on your VAT while shopping as a visitor. Anything that you would need to show a driver’s license for, in another Country, generally means a Passport.

Cyril: How come you know Portuguese?
Krieger: Because I grew up in Braz…istol…County…Rhode Island…Lot of Portuguese in Rhode Island.
Cyril: Where you’re from.
Krieger: Born and raised.
Cyril: Uh-huh. What’s the state capital?
Krieger: Of?
Cyril: Rhode Island!
Krieger: …Dallas?

It’s like method acting.

If they paid him any more, he’d be buying $2000 XJs in decent running condition that don’t need more than a fluid change to go another 10,000 miles.

The enforced poverty is what creates the story; necessity being the mother of invention, and all that.

I was anti-bumper sticker before, but now, hmm....I think I may just have to get this one custom made.

It’s the sheds, mate.

There’s something about the North of England that creates men like this, and its not just because its pissing down all the time and they need something to do. Its like some kind of “industrial revolution started here” thing that’s baked in from birth.

Now playing

For whatever reason, I read that opening paragraph in Hannibal Lecter’s voice - doing it like in Silence of the Lambs when he’s really ragging on Clarice (I know why, it was the use of “rubes”, which I think Lecter also uses to describe Clarice).

I’ve been wondering where the Stig’s American cousin has been.


I’m sure this guy had something to do with it.....

It’s the car that made the Poznan run in less than 12 zdrowaskas

That boy ain’t rolling coal, these boys are Rolling Coal:

I’m so worried about the baggage retrieval system they’ve got at Heathrow.