God bless this man and his endless supply of Soviet shitboxes.
God bless this man and his endless supply of Soviet shitboxes.
Your dreams need to get wilder.
damn this rules so hard
I will build a bigger sidewall and make Honda pay for it.
I have to say, the BRZ tS was fun to drive until it wasn’t, and then it was a huge pain in the ass. That car really beats you up. And when you’re doing anything other than canyon carving, it has a knack for getting kind of old...
I love the FT twins, but I mean...he’s not wrong.
Those are good but not as good as a Porsche 911 GTS
I delivered pizza as well, using the following vehicles:
“don’t realize that they’re not really Car People”
Ah, I see, the fabled “we almost published this during the summer” commentary. I thought we had you back, briefly.
mine too.
Trump does plenty of dumb shit, but IMO, this (the Chicken Tax debate) is not a good fight to pick. It’s not hard to make an argument for the Chicken Tax if you ignore all externalities... Which you can absolutely count on his base to do:
His supporters will find a way to love this.
I for one think it looks great!
I’m calling it - Porsche has the most successful(and good looking) design language over all its models.
^^This guy has never driven a porsche before. What a completely idiotic comment!
It’s your confident, misplaced assumption that you can protest vote or whatever helps you sleep at night to call it that is infuriating. People with that same thought process voted that way in close districts. You are banking on people saving you from yourself, just like a lot of people I am sure held their nose and…
The egregious and terrible nature of the core take here almost distracts from the absolutely heinous addendum about the best kind of pizza.