My N1 had no issues with 3G - but then I live in the UK and am on a decent network.
My N1 had no issues with 3G - but then I live in the UK and am on a decent network.
Did they test the game with a bunch of retarded school children?
@Paacman: I should also add that I don't trust Zuckerberg's Facebook with _ANY_ of my data.
@data_enabler: Whilst I agree with your sentiment, I think its worth pointing out that most people are stupid and give their personal data to anybody in exchange for anything of perceived value.
Its a good job I am not nearly dumb enough to use Facebook or narcistic enough to use Twitter as I always considered them dangerous tools just waiting to be exploited.
I suppose I am lucky to be an athiest - I get to play games without any of the associated guilt that an oppressive religion may want to burden me with.
Time to move on for sure - away from Apple and their authoritarian approach to software and hardware and go somewhere more open and exciting.
@icepick314: I fully agree.
Great article but would it harm to proof read it before publishing it?
Looks ace - I love to retro futuristic style... a little more exciting than the plain white of the Wii stuff.
That looks pathetic...
On a planet whose population is around the 6 billion mark, we can at least reliably conclude that 1 million of them are easily led gadget magpies who will pay anything for another shiny Apple toy.
But it doesn't look pretty at all... looks like a confusing mess.
Love Corys work... both his fiction writing and his tireless campaigning against the erosion of civil liberties in the west.
This 'review' has more than a hint of buyers remorse about it.
@Ashurahori: And the 8 bit version of the main bayonetta theme is my favourite song on the whole soundrack ;)
Isn't being lefthanded better in Japan... writing top to bottom/right to left much be easier when you are left handed. Then again, these days that isn't so common is it?
@Paul_Is_Drunk: I disagree.
@puffa469: Wow - nice strawman there. Your analogy is in no way representative of this situation.