I am no fan of whaling, but then I don't wish to deprive a people of their traditions.
I am no fan of whaling, but then I don't wish to deprive a people of their traditions.
Surely war games are just a recruitment tool?
Its not a game, its a cutscene. A really big cut scene.
I long since stopped relying on in flight movies. They are edited to hell, they get interrupted everytime a flight attendent takes a pee and the choice is usually abysmal.
@MrBrau: I have a similar issue with America where showing or reffering to anything at all sexual is a national disaster but carrying a gun is perfectly normal and having a small arsenal at home is deemed suitable and not frowned upon at all.
How long have Sun Microsystems been saying that 'teh network is the computer' and yet we still have poweful desktops and notebooks.
Physical media is the way of the future.
It may be too early to tell but is the battery life any different than the regular sized DSi?
Gotta say, the Facebook integration worries me.
As a brit, I feel it incumbant upon me to stress the fact that we don't talk much on multiplayer games because the other people are generally talking nonsense.
Sleep is indeed good... I would like more of it. #nightnote
@GreasyRibs: Nope, I agree with you. Pointless and a waste of time. #dashboardupdate
Facebook and Twitter - sounds like a comedy duo and frankly, given what those sites exist for, comedy is the right word. #dashboardupdate
Quantity versus Quality then huh?
I haven't even opened Ar Tonelico 2 yet... Looks like I will never get around to playing it before number 3 comes out. #clips
@ledzep177: I fully agree with your sentiments regarding single player games dying out. I never play multiplayer games, I just don't have that much time spare to coordinate with other people who want to play online.
Sounds like more nanny-state type gaming to me.
You know, a system that uses 2 analogue sticks would rock.