
I would add a bunch of other games to the list of great new ideas that came from Japan in the not-to-distant-past:

The iPod Touch is just a fancy PMP - nothing more. The fact that it can games software is nothing new - most PMP can do that to one extent or another.

Miraikan is fantatsic place to visit.


Its underwhelming for sure.

Been using The GIMP on my Linux machines for over 6 years. It rocks. Takes a little getting used to but can achieve plenty given time.

Just found this character in Super Robot Taisen for the Ds last night. She/It rocks !!!

Slim PS3s would mean less space taken up when using several of them in a clustered linux environment. They are great machines but just a little too big for my liking.

Nice art ;)

Is that how Bush is spelled in katakana?

After playing the demo recently, any enthusiasm I had for this game has been obliterated.

@★☆★ Waka ★☆★: Hmmm Osaka okonomiyaki is the best, I love it. Always find time to pop into Osaka for food when I am in the area.

Shevas head looks way too big for her little body in that last picture.

lol - what a load of pants.

"A fool and his money are easily parted."

I never use the PS3 for DVDs as I find it upscales much worse than my £30 Samsung DVD player.

Brawler pack?

Sluggish like the controls for Resident Evil 5 then eh?

Wow - some of those shots look like real, actual people !