particularly with a film where the central themes were specific to black people. You would think they would find a black person......but that’s the AV Club for you.
particularly with a film where the central themes were specific to black people. You would think they would find a black person......but that’s the AV Club for you.
Just what we’ve all been waiting for: two white guys, one of whom can’t lower himself to give any movie above a B+, discussing Black Panther.
Killmonger is the best Marvel villiain. Thanos, you have been dethroned.
He didn’t imply, said it out right. If you’re rocking back and forth in a corner right now, I understand.
Katie, what the fuck? If there is anyone Ivanka DOESN’T have to explain who Kurt Cobain is, it is to old white people.
Misogynoir gets no play in this ride.
Of course you think black women are trash. You must be an ain’t shit sort of fellow.
This is literally the worst take I’ve ever heard about anything in my entire life. It’s like Jason Whitlock and Umar Johnson had a baby, and named that baby Tomi Lahren. You are that baby.
LOL, no, I was expecting someone beefy and hot and instead we got Viserys on a good day.
Except being creepily into her like Hannible Lector and Clarice Starling.
Jon didn’t even ask Brienne about his sister or the north...Brienne could’ve told him about Arya.
There is more sexual tension between Dany and Cersei than between Dany and Jon.
It has its flaws, but claiming that it doesn;t rise above second-rate is bullshit. I bet Iggy doesn’t like martial arts films as a rule as they do not feature enough urban white ennui