
I just installed Instagram and it messed up my Camera Roll folder, now it starts with older photos first.

I hope it's true! The design seems to be back to regular comfort level for those who prefer to hold their phones with their hands ;)

Thank you! This is exactly the kind of comparison I was searching for yesterday but gave up after finding little convincing data. Bad googler here.

Agree, they should have called them AvatarTV and bedone with it.

In some other news, his dignity fell a tad farther than the phone and, unfortunately, it could not be retrieved.

Yup, that's why when I travel, in order to arrive in time and avoid delays, I'm packing light.

That's flat out dangerous! If four girls go at the same time, a tornado can form in the center!

Is that person, shown in the two pics, supposed to show a Before and After wearing the contacts?

I see the Memory Foam being praised by many of you but what about its health concerns? Lots of folks tend to stay away from it. Even when I've tried to purchase a MF mattress, a clerk told me about their effects on health. I've searched online and the scariest was []

Just switch providers, I and several of my friends did so after another company imposed a puny 150gb / month limit.

As long as it doesn't slip and slide on its own, I'm all for it.

This won't be a good idea for the Naked Mile. You won't be ditching just the bike and its fancy seat..

I for one, am glad bridges are not made out of copper..

I'm gonna miss T-Mobile. Besides the price, signal and anything that has to do directly with a cell phone, they had the most helpful, US BASED, friendly customer service from any company I ever had to deal with. I hope those reps won't lose their job!

lol, he was probably caught by the skid marks he left behind.

I just hope it won't be as slippery and square as the iphone 4, had to get rid of mine since i like a phone without any filters or bumpers.

Wow, it doesn't mention that it LITERALLY imports pictures into C drive My Pictures!

LEDs tend to be a tad too 'sharp' for reading without an ambient light source. With all these CREE and XM and what not LED these days I've forgotten completely about those warm light-bulbs that were used in flashlights. Now imagine an ebook reader with a warm glow from one of those light bulbs... or use LEDs and an

Power Lines... those snobbish city leopards!

google " /u/11320296 " - it's a dropbox link that's probably gonna be removed if I'm gonna post it here whole. Sorry for the messup.