
Aren't we all? I mean, to gullibly believe they're safe for good based on some research done, takes a tad of paranoia as well. Every time a recall sounds, reality jumps right in ;)

I can whitewash this subject into oblivion too... "Do you work for a pharma company that's about to release an IPO based on some no research wonder drug?" ;)

Sun exposure, eating and other alike came with the package and been around for ages, part of natural process.

In a perfect world, from kids to breeding age adults should be administered meds only in life threatening events. After you're done making babies - all you can eat meds.

Some great points and alternatives, esp. the way you put it that it's not just about saving a buck, but about doing better things instead.

I remember seeing a keyboard like that, though its skyline was in orange because of all those stacked cheetos residue.

It's was... instinct

How about using TeamViewer on the iPhone?

Lady Gaga Choppers, is that a new bike brand or why is she posing on a chopper while having her choppers circled in red?

Maybe, at his size, he developed his own gravity field?

All those hot pants with the "I LOVE PINK" message are starting to make sense now..

Hands raised up, not smiling? Isn't that the international sign of I Give Up ?!

I think TRIM takes care of file defrag in time but even though it doesn't matter, you can use Defraggler to defrag just a single file in a very simple way. Usually on my SSD there's just one file that's fragmented and Defraggler on manual takes care of that. Otherwise, leave TRIM to take care of it.

Quite a complete guide.

Seems the coronal mass ejection projection was affected by a beetle or something, smack in the center.

How about Simmi Valley's Rocketdyne nuclear meltdown? Some folks placed it higher than the Three Mile Island. It's still isolated to this day.

To each his own. Life is a journey that must be experienced from within, what will you really gain in school if someone else's doing your home/hard work?

Couple years ago folks in Europe bought incandescent bulbs by the thousands, literally spending thousands of Euros in one trip. It's probably gonna be the same here as well, it only takes one rich I_do_what_I_want brat to empty the shelves for good.

Bigger screen might mean higher res thus more stuff cramped onto the display BUT those icons really do look unApple_like. At first glance I thought it was running Android.