
Oooooh, now it looks like chupacabra.

I'd like to have an app that changes wallpapers based on time of day, so at night I can have a nightsky slideshow and during the day something more brighter.

Can u guys add a Text Gore Filter that one can enable in order to stick to gadgety stories and stuff?

Egg Salad Sandwich sounds nice but it's soo hard to turn them into something ordinary after being colored and stuff... how long can eggs be kept in the fridge if they're hard boiled.. and painted? :)

I don't have that kind of money, Phuket!

Maybe they were just fans of the CES show.

Birds as well as fish use magnetic fields to navigate. Maybe some weird magnetic shift occurred around those longitudes?

Who uses wrist watches anymore? You know, my iPhone has a vibrate alar... OMG!!! IT's SIX PM, what thee...!!

I'd like to trim a branch from that tree, and KEEP IT!

Looks like a Billboard in Whos land.

I got a kick of enjoyment out of reading Gizmodo: my only time spent online today, besides communicating with family, was on this site :) Thanks, Giz!

I think I remember those lights, it was a wild hunt for the burnt one.

Now we can finally explain how Santa can gift a zillion folks on Christmas Eve: He moves in sub-atomic level particles, gets into each of our brains and MAKES us buy stuff.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

Gizmodo just gave a great (free) tip to Hallmark.

That doesn't make sense, the antenna needs to be in the lowest part of the phone, thus furthest away from the skull. Any modern phone is made like that, including the iPhone 2G, 3G and 3GS

A silent ringtone.