
Hmm, interesting, but what about the price, are the Five Fingers discounted?

Philips had these for quite some time and what's more interesting, their prices used to be as high as the Opal, but came down significantly since they've been on the market.

Old folks had it right all along... Garlic was folklorically used to wander off evil spirits and vampires ...MRSA or staph resistant bacteria on many occasions met its match only after consuming Garlic when antibiotics were out of the question.

The worst is the Triangulation Scam on eBay. Scammers outside the US steal ID/CC then sell things on eBay for a tad under retail price, sell a lot of them, get the money and the buyer ends up as if he/she bought with a stolen cc!

@AwokeKnowing: Well put, let's not forget those billionaires who not only like to sit on their money but encourage others not to give to the needy.

I just saw a house that looked almost like that in Los Feliz, CA. I'm voting for LEDs as well.

Yeah but the strange part is that the inhabitants of that world value crushed diamonds aka sand just as much as we do diamonds around here ;)

@Stem_Sell: Tonight's Forecast: mostly raindeer followed by Hail! Hail! Hail!

@spencerc6: I was looking at the original pic and was thinking 'where are the matchbox cars on that thing'?

@Shiverr!: Probably the longest video featuring an iPad I've managed to watch, yet.

Quite interesting but those looks too much like a consumer trap, you can almost see the bait.

Are they on eBay yet?

In Odaiba, Japan, they have a Christmas tree so big, it uses 40" LCDs instead of light bulbs..

0:33 Alonso makes it rain with his own pocket money, maybe cellphone too.

One step forward towards the food replicator...

Victoria Secrets started it all, I tell ya.

I vouch for honey and also had very good results with Zinc.

It reminds me of how many captchas I've retyped due to the handy autocorrect.