
Make sure to set the vac on Low when grooming a Chihuahua.

You need 3D glasses to see the money.

That looks like something King Kong might have caught accidentally in a tree branch. See the V-Shaped trees, OUCH!

Sooo, here is one of those chicken or the egg question:

Looks like the truck was transporting electricity.

@labbu63: my thoughts exactly ;)

That's about how long it takes to digest it too ;)

@DaltonAtlas: Thanks for the insight but nothing is certain when it comes to genetics, genes and so on. Just because the GM plants are meant to be resistant to some strains it doesn't mean that a single strain can't actually thrive on it and become itself mutated and thus affect other plants or organisms in its

GMO enhanced plants that weren't tested thoroughly for this particular "side effect"?

For iOS, I think TomTom is much better than Navigon, I've used both and TomTom had more road coverage and was easier to use.

The story featured on cnn mentioned their pets being inside the house as well... any insight into their dogs and cats??

...12.2 years later furious astronauts return with the following statement: "Better wash those d**n telescopes, it was only Marslike"

After the routine, I'd best most of the male passengers immediately forgot their previously well memorated nearest exit door locations.

That is impressive.

@phiyuku: Yup, but this kind of fairness is what attracts, at least me, to keep checking Gizmodo over other sites ;)

Well, one probably has the Antenna Fix then followed a short time later by the one with the Antenna Fix AND the Proximity Fix...?

Instead of marble tiles, he'll be using iPhone back plates.

Waaait a minute! That means... during a calamity we'll have a bunch of naked mile wannabees running around?

Is it true that if you eat a lot of chocolate, it helps you grow a beard really fast? Like in the morning you'd shave and by the time you'd get to work...

Errr... it depends, is the particle fertilized or not?