

They bleep you with the small print, they always bleep you with the small print.

That's gotta be batastic!

Errr.... HUP Oranje ?

It's true, I have the evolutionary scale as the signal bar and as soon as I touch the lower part, all I'm left with is the monkey.

20x!! I remember when I barely made 4 and that was a big thing, at first. real ball though ;)

Obvious pic, she chose not to swim.

Can you say carbon fiber splinters? This will be one toilet that will get you back for those explosive foods.

-Honey, does this make me look fat?

@Ockham: LOL.. "You zee, press diz and change aperture, simple as that. Now take off your cap, we're inzide."

More Vuvuzela?

@Derkek: It's on Gizmodo right now [] Hope they'll find out what's the with the pic.

Substitute air horn with WD40, light it with a match and enjoy the fireworks.

Wait a minute, if the iPhone is adbased, wouldn't that make it free just like those free adbased PC's a long, long time ago?

@james.lewis: No idea about its origin, sorry about that. Received it some time ago in an email. Will ask further and let you know.

Only smell-o-vision will convince me to invest in a new tv. Nice try.

Cute animals but time is money, here's one that's actually doing something useful.

Still doesn't match the graphics on N900, WTH? That phone is 2 years old.