Johnny Staccato

Whaddayoo? His mom?

Yeah, seconded (or thirded). The Man Who etc was my discovery of Sacks back in the late 70s. What a revelation he was and continued to be.

Clearly, you have been overcome by grief…

Really? I didn't know that. It's not my favourite Somerset Maugham (that would be the short stories followed by The Moon And Sixpence) but it's readable.

I think you mean ' you can see the pores and blackheads of Bill Murray's apathy..'

…and then shoots him, because…the rubes love gunshots. Yeah, yeah…I know it doesn't make any sense.: what can I tell you? The rubes love them some gunfire…

Oh, no…I've got ants pirates in my pants! hey! That tickles…stop…no, really…stop…oooohhhhhh

“I see in you a warrior that needs to be awakened,” Clara says as the music swells dramatically.

No Country For Old Men…Or Chris Pine

Thomas Beecham?

If, indeed, that's what he's thinking. Perhaps he's thinking: "I'm bigger than that flaccid, bishes…".

It goes back a lot further than that. The great Clive James was doing it in The Observer (UK) over 40 years ago. His reviews, which are a fucking hoot, were collected and published by (I think) Picador.

Whatever it was, if it was for Italian TV, it was executed in the buff; those clowns do the evening news nekkid as a jaybird.

I wonder if she's related to Darius Guppy (of ill-repute and a descendant of the guy who discovered the eponymous fish)?

I've watched the first 2 episodes and, like you, I love it already.

Now that is a very disturbing thought…

I think it's more to do with perceived 'authenticity', like Studs Terkel's work. The notion that it's people 'talking' (ie: being 'candid' and 'revelatory') as opposed to being 'filtered', 'mediated' and defanged.

A country that invaded fucking Grenada (10 miles long, 5 miles wide) doesn't get to sneer at anyone else's miltary stupidity…

Let's hope they do it. Deadwood and Luck…they both died too young *sniff* COCKSUCKERS!!!

"First prize is a brand-new dinosaur; second prize is a set of rocks…"