Just like buying “new” items on Craigslist for pennies on the dollar?
You ever tried keeping quiet?
When I rewatch 2001, which is usually once a year or so, I have to remind myself that all movies of that time were slower... and that this one is exceptionally slow lol. I think he hit the pacing perfectly with A Clockwork Orange, the slow and fast combination is wonderful.
I loved the pacing. Overall, sci-fi has turned into a action genre sadly.
“Sir, this is a part of an ongoing investigation. No information will be given at this time.”
Because us Jalops find it fun.
Honestly I think the pacing was great. Went in with my good buddy, he fancies himself a film critic (I’m just a sci-fi nerd), anyways we were saying “I hope they dont make it all fast paced and action packed” because it was never meant to be that way. Moments of slow and fast make it such a more wild ride for me…
I loved it.
because heroin is an easy kick and nobody ever comes back to it right?
I’d rather be shot.
I often switch between multiple vehicles a day. I’ve completely slammed my brake with my clutch foot before. Bad news.
Yeah. Don’t even get me started. I have Tetsuo tattoo’d on my forearm. Originally I was thinking oh maybe they didn’t included animated, but GITS is on there.
The book tho, irrelevant to this post, of course, is amazing!