Johnny Segment

I'd go with Blue Velvet, but Lost Highway is amazing, *possibly* my fave of his films.

I should probably revisit Wild at Heart too; I love Lynch but was a bit underwhelmed when this first dropped - might give it one more chance.

oh I I hadn't thought about the mynah bird scene in years, you're right it was terrifically creepy ..

I'm sure it's all totally above board and they do wonderful work * BUT* the fucking Boys And Girls Clubs Of America is the most sinister organisational name I've heard in some time. Is it really a thing? I'm not from the US of A ..

They call me Mr Pitiful, but
Everything is wonderful

more interviews with authors please; that was wonderful.

None of db's solo albums get much love - y'know why? They're just not as good as his work with Talking Heads - and I say this as someone who has all the Talking Heads albums and all of Byrne's solo albums (well, aside from a couple of obscurish things).

yikes. yes.
I can watch endless 'horror' films and never get that sense of terror that Lynch can elicit from me. That staircase image bodes well imo!

no idea, but that snippet was probably the only thing that piqued my interest, and not just cuz of the underwears - 'he's coming I have to get off the phone' ..

I do *know* that song at least!
it was pretty dire … if we're going mid-80's Aussie pop I'm probably taking Mental As Anything - 'Heaven' is a helluva stuck-in-the-mindtank song though .. prefer the Talking Heads version, of even Dave Dobbyn ..

he was ridiculously hammy.

The Black Lodge is going to be a little empty without Anderson *and* Silva around..

I got to watch this on its theatrical release as an *8 year old* - as the main article mentions, kids (and not a few adults too I'll bet) went along to see this at the time because a) it starred Harrison Ford and b) it was sci-fi ..
I would have been expecting some kind of Star Wars variant, but maybe 2 minutes into

the 'dustiness' of the original is mentioned in the main article, and I tend to agree; the trailer looks like it captures much of the design and philosophy of the original, but it lacks the wearied grime.

If you're not cop, you're little people!

I've been battling through this series with my gf, and Tony is pretty much the only enjoyable thing about it.
I want a Tony spin-off where he fixes cars with his Dad, beats up punks, goes on dates and piles his hair up higher than James Brown in his pomp.

I can certainly confirm that it's a terrible show.

haha, nooo, thanks for trying though - it actually did just come to me:

fuck that.

did you suffer from a head knock recently?
if not, just wait a little while, I'm sure someone will be happy to oblige you ..