Johnny Segment

pretty sure that Fever Ray song is about post-natal depression

the lazer tag set was fucking great, BB missed a trick by not finding more excuses to shoot it

missed opportunity in some ways because the Lazer Tag set was fucking cool

just re-watched this episode, the change in Jesse's demeanour could come down to any number of factors, but one that hasn't been mentioned is that he'd been high on meth after relapsing at the prospect of shooting the kid killers … 12 hours post-Gale and a big Denny's breakfast later and he was somewhat livelier ..

which episode is it that ends with Al wheelchair-bound in a vegetative state?
my wretched memory recalls it as being hilarious but increasingly grim .. ?

agreed, I loved Married ..with Children because it was so refreshingly vulgar and tacky.

one of my favourites too - and for many a pre-internet year I scratched my head as to exactly which song it was that eluded Al's memory - it was a eureka moment when I heard the Beatles version of Anna (Go with him) and put 2 & 2 together ..

Skinny Pete had both 'street and book smarts'?? Skinny Pete literally couldn't even spell 'street'! (or, 'streat' as was his best approximation!)

I dunno, I think Jesse's arc casts him as a much more ambiguous and nuanced character than just either a fool or a monster or a hero.
Just this episode he was more than willing to put Wendy in the position of poisoning his enemies.
I'm on my first full rewatch and it's Jesse's story that has consistently kept me

I dunno, I thought all of this was pretty well rationalized in 'Kafkaesque' - Jesse resents aspects of his new job; previously cooking meth he was an outlaw answering to no one, now he is basically a working stiff who feels he is being ripped off by his boss. So he skims a little as a way to feel that he's getting his

plus that one Cuban cigar!

Aussie version is the tits, very good, if you're having withdrawals then you could do worse than check out the original ..

I haven't seen the US version, but agree the Myles Barlow/Australian version was amazing.
Americans tend to enjoy their own remakes of shows e.g. The Office, just a cultural thing, I don't sweat it ..

You're right; Jesse craves Walt's approval.
He also knows Walt/Heisenberg as intimately as anyone; when Walt acknowledged that "Your meth is good - as good as mine" Jesse would have known just how much that concession would have cost Walt's pride.

Thanks for the review; this sounds promising.


bang-on in predicting the Harvey Keitel cameo!

The volatility of Jess and Walt's relationship never fails to entertain me.
This episode's meeting in the high school car park began as cordially as any I'd seen to this point between this pair; they seemed at peace with each other, but of course it very quickly degenerated into yelling and name-calling.

years of perspective from here in the future.

I don't think there was any 'code' at work; Horse With No Name is a song about heroin addiction/withdrawal, Walt was blithely singing it clearly with no idea of the subject matter