
five star comment

I first read this as “Tim Allen” and was extremely confused.

Where was Lea Michelle today....

I needed this so much today, thank you thank you thank you

I very seriously cannot get enough Jared and Ivanka stories.  I could read this shit all day oh god what is wrong with me

Is it weird that my take on this is that a man cost her her job? Because of sexual harassment?  I understand the conflict but still, maybe this could have been a teaching moment?

tbh this entire thread turned me on

This was really helpful in understanding the nuanced context around Harris. I really appreciate reporting like this. Excellent article.

I saw this movie on Netflix before I had even heard about it or read anything (it just showed up one day in the queue), and I genuinely thought it was one of the most moving films I’d ever encountered. Like I sat there for 20 minutes after it ended just stunned at what is so clearly a masterpiece at face value. I

Jesus Christ, this is fucked up.  I hope there can be justice for those men, and who knows who else this man has destroyed.

The answer is yes, Airlines will often list US territories, like Guam, the American Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, and Puerto Rico as “international” destinations despite not needing a passport if flying as a US citizen from a domestic airport without entering another country. I don’t

I cancelled mine a few weeks ago and went with AMC. I’m willing to pay for the extra art house movies, and the fact that AMC includes IMAX and 3D etc in their version makes it completely worth it. It’s also 3 movies a week. I feel like we all knew MoviePass was going to be a temporary thing, but at the very least, it

I dislike this video and this song.

I feel like these recaps should be factored into her ratings somehow. I look forward to them every day, but I would never actually watch the show.

This is incorrect. Queen Regnants are married to Prince Consorts but Kings are always married to Queens.

this is an amazing post, thank you

actually spat coffee at the screen, damn you

This would be enough of a reason for me to apply for UK citizenship.

omg I haven't thought about this game is YEARS but yes it was really great.