
@TheFu: This is pretty much what I do too (minus the crock pot since I don't have one). But cooking lots and freezing the bulk is a great way to save time and money down the line.

Wow, I guess there are some really good writers on this website, given the flak this author got about his "weak metaphor." In my humble opinion, I think the idea of stashing saved monies away in several different locations for distinct purposes is a good one, and one that many people, sadly, would not classify as

The rule of thumb I go by is to fix a "reservation" point in my head in advance. This is the absolute minimum I would accept for doing a job or selling something (or the maximum I would pay for something). Then I let the other party make the first offer. Always. Then I start negotiating from there.

@kamnet: So people do actually rob restaurant chains?

I like the bit of advice about buying either the dream house of the cheapest acceptable alternative. I think that's pretty good advice for nearly all big purchases. Why get stuck in the middle with something you don't really like?

@malimbar04: I dunno, naps can totally help out in certain circumstances.

@Red_Flag: This saved me a good bit of money on Microsoft Office. All you have to do is have a valid .edu email address. Lots of schools actually let you keep your school email forever nowadays, too.

I like rye bread grilled on the george foreman. I lightly butter the outsides very slightly but it actually crisps up pretty nice even without.

@JohnnyricoMC: Agreed. Firefox has a plugin for just about everything. Luckily, aside from cold start times, it's very competitive with the other browsers in terms of speed and memory usage.

This is probably one of the coolest DIYs I've seen. I'm building one for sure.

I love how every time LH does one of these "which is best" votes, everyone votes for programs I've never even heard of. Guess I need to get with it.

@forensicpsych: I didn't even know that existed... Awesome.

I seriously question some of the stuff in this article.

@Michael Sitarzewski: Your credit score will NOT be zero if you have no debt. If you live your life correctly you'll pay your bills in full and on time and you'll have a great credit score.

@collegekid13: It's not really true that you have to have debt to get a credit rating. You can also just pay your bills on time. That helps. The whole "you need a credit card and you need to use it a lot" thing is, I think, more of a myth than a hard fact. True, having credit cards and using them responsibly

@keeblerelf: I have a "blow" fund too, but I think we might be talking about two different things...

@LessIsMore: It's too bad I haven't had time to get on here sooner. I didn't realize there were more folks who look at a company providing a product/service and making money off it qualifies as a "money-losing scam." Better not buy any more computer products, my friend, because I have news for you: they ain't

@PickledEgg: So basically when you say you'll just declare bankruptcy you mean you're A) okay with ruining the lives of those who depend on you and B) you're okay transferring the costs of your actions onto other people. So by "not wanting to be a sucker" you instead become selfish.