Johnny Ryell

People go to big stores and use amazon for the same reason. It saves time. People now work longer hours than 40 years ago, and have longer commute times. I use amazon all the time because it means i dont have to stop at cvs or the local pharmacy to get nasal strips when im running out. Stores now use point of sale

Big narc energy

need to make the decision for yourself whether 650k people are retarded or onto something”

This sounds exactly what I wanted from a Gwent spin-off, a PvE experience with no stakes and just a good way to waste some time where you’re away from home.

As someone who enjoys bullying the AI Gwent opponents in Witcher 3 but didn’t jump at the chance to play Gwent with real people, I’m pretty interested in this.

“The way the game is currently is very unrewarding,” one Reddit user one user replied in a thread debating if Axie was “worth playing for money.”

The supply / demand curve is not a phenomenon the government should get involved in.

Does calling a hot dog a bologna sandwich just further muddy the waters?

Yes, people in america get sued over investment fraud.

while this lawsuit is unlikely to go anywhere I would absolutely love for all investing to be labeled as gambling is.

We should have listened to all of those people hitting him with folding chairs over the years.

There are basically no allegations of wrongdoing that I would not at least entertain as plausible about this man.  Whatever the opposite of "Benefit of the Doubt" is, Vincent K. McMahon has it.

Weird that an apparently consensual affair (and a little blackmail) would rock a company that’s taken decades of employee exploitation and abuse in stride. 

You don’t order a sandwich and expect to get a hot dog.

Super long winded way of saying I don’t give a shit about child slavery as long as I don’t see it.

I’ve always used the sniff test and never gotten sick from using bad milk so in my experience it works perfectly fine.

Yes, life would be SO much easier if we didn’t have to think about the moral and ethical implications of our choices!

Lillian, I assume the same thing applies to cocoa powder - any recs for baking?

With your mouth? Gross. Just squeeze as much as you can out with your hands, then call it good, like a normal person.

Right? You know what current achievement I can bring to different games to get prizes? Fiat currency. Accepted across ALL gaming platforms.