Johnny Ryell

While the National Pig Association statement that is referred to in the article mainly talks about the possibility of disease, as a pet pig owner there are other reasons that I wouldn’t recommend feeding a pig baked goods that are not specifically designed for pigs.

As a decidedly non-hacker, I would agree.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who has thought this.

This is not a “big ass” pig. This is a normal sized pig.

“Piglet.” That is a piglet, a very young piglet.

Depends on the whale.

Thanks. We think so.

Here are my two, Flash (near the top) & Ziggy:

I can testify from personal experience that playpens are great for piglets. Honestly, our pigs enjoyed it so much more than my actual human baby ever has.

Good news, everybody: after surgery, Esther is now cancer free!

She’s actually not the first pig to get chemotherapy, though.

I am totally with you on the question of whether or not we should maybe think about prioritizing medical care for humans before that of animals. I’m all with you on those first two sentences.

Shouldn’t “thinker” be in quotes?

“what the world needs now is capitalism with a conscience.”--or, as it is usually known, not-capitalism.

6'1", 270, is my guess.

A literal good-for-nothing freeloader whose existence is stealing millions of dollars that could be used to feed the hungry, house the homeless, educate our children, save our planet, and care for the weak and vulnerable? Someone born into the lab of absolute privilege and luxury who has devoted his considerable

I’d rock a tricorn or one of those old admiral-style hats with plumes. I feel like the tricorn is for at home and the admiral is for work.

Came here to say the same thing. With a small tweak, this is essentially the plot of Remember by Atom Egoyan. And, while I’m always down to see some Nazis get it,  the movie was...ok.

You’re ignoring the fact that as he told his father-in-law, MacDonald tracked down and killed one of the real murders. That, in addition, to his wife and kids lets him meet the serial killer definition.

What do we want? DWARF GENEALOGY!