Johnny Rico

Kinda wish they didnt go with Broly. Like the dude’s got 3 movies and an alternate universe form in the show.

DMC is a perfect example of how a nostalgic community can ruin a franchise. The franchise was all but dead, the 4th game didn’t sell so well. Then this game comes along trying to revitalize the franchise and people start freaking out. They act like it was a massive victory when plans for DMC2 were scrapped and instead

Titanfall 2 got it right. They crashed so hard the first time and then made one of the best single player experiences in a modern shooter.

The Void was really disappointing. It started off really stong, but went straight downhill. I did appreciate the use of practical effects though

I’m sure God of War will be a great experience on both models of the PS4.

Worst burnout? Delusional much? Also implying 2 was better lol geez guy

You can just bump yourself down to Tier 1 and one shot every enemy, just like in real life?

You can use thermal goggles but the Predator’s super badass cloaking protects it from detection while in hiding. You actually can deploy drones but they get jammed almost immediately.

In this comment section:

I chose to review it because, as I said in the second paragraph, I was hoping that Takahashi and crew would make something I enjoyed more this time around.

Seriously though, that is a steal. Wolfenstein is a fantastic game. And playing it pisses off Nazis, so that makes it twice as fun!

Seriously though, that is a steal. Wolfenstein is a fantastic game. And playing it pisses off Nazis, so that makes

You’re *

I stand with him. This whole Battlefront fiasco is far from over.

EA hears you loud and clear and will now be splitting each game mode into it’s own separate package, complete with an exciting and progressive pricing system.

Why do people need to constantly talk about how PC’s run games better than consoles? Everybody already knows that. It’s such a pointless conversation.

Quesada hasn’t had direct control over the stories in the comics for a very long time now. I think that’s no longer an excuse.

Granted, I know Marvel editorial would still squander any possibility of Peter and Mary Jane going back to their respective developments, but knowing Slott’s persona, I doubt he would do it

I am going to have to call Bullshit on the whole Damage Control took over the Salvage so I’m now up shit creek without a paddle. Tony Stark, the City of New York and the US government would have paid him in full for the contract. He would have gotten his money if they failed to do so he would have sued all three of

While great, I don’t think that’s revolutionary.

Revolutionary for a Zelda title? Doesn’t seem that revolutionary in general terms.