
I have. The guy is gay, Jewish and has a black boyfriend — but he's on the right. He's quite articulate but over-the-top and trollish. He's entertaining as hell, though I disagree with a lot of what he says.

Surprised the story didn't mention that Milo Yianopoulus is gay and Jewish. Very relevant to his persona.

This Milo guy, though I largely disagree with him, is an interesting cat: A gay Jewish libertarian who likes to push buttons.

This would be entertaining as hell. Two egomaniac intellectuals going at it.

One thing that's always baffled me about really smart people is they can be so right on and insightful about some things, and so blind about others.

I don't know much about Gamergate. To tell the truth, I don't understand it. But, yes, harassing someone isn't cool. But look at it this way: harassers show their true colors and people turn on them. Look at this guy Milo - he's not liked in this forum.

The truth is we are all complex beings that don't always fit into tight ideological boxes. Depending on the issue, I personally might sound left or right or in the middle.

Ha. Indeed.

I'm with you in that eugenics is a scary thought.

Actually, the guy says offensive, provocative things but I don't thinks he's anti-speech. He's pushing the envelope, albeit in an often offensive manner. Just curious: how do you think he's curtailing anyone's speech rights? Genuine question.

OK. All I can do is tell you my beliefs: pot should be legal, gays should be allowed to marry, and speech shouldn't be curtailed unless it directly calls for physical violence. If you don't believe me, that's fine. I simply like a spirited debate. I go outside my ideological bubble regularly, as echo chambers get us

In the interview I just watched, the guy proudly proclaimed his love of men. He's pretty out and proud.

The article Margot is referring to is related to Milo saying gay men should marry and reproduce with women to pass on their intelligence genes.

Call the guy what you will, and all those are valid points. But it's hard to deny the dude is smart.

Fair enough. I think arguments should be about the topic at hand. However, I think it's fair to point out inconsistencies. Extremists on both sides of issues ruin the spirited mind-expanding debates that can be had when people simple listen to each other and then formulate their counter-arguments.

I'm pro-gay marriage
pro pot legalization
pro free-specch

The No true Scotsman Fallacy would be assuming I'm not a liberal Democrat because of something I said that didn't fit yours or someone else's view of a liberal Democrat.

I would say he's both a libertarian AND libertine. He's very open about his promiscuous ways and unashamed (as he should be) of his gay flamboyance.

It's an interesting thought. I didn't say I liked it or believed it. But I do enjoy hearing new ideas. Luckily, I feel I'm able to rationally digest ideas, keep the good stuff and toss the chaff aside. But I could be wrong. Oh well, I'm a human and, like all humans, I'm a work in progress.

Thanks. I'll check it out.