
I got no issue with the protests although I do question Kaps talent as a player - he had 1 good year and isn’t a good pocket passer - if he was a legit #1 QB he’d be playing somewhere - but as an overpriced back-up I’m not sold he is all that good - his skillset still seems rather raw to me and I think he would need

where did you get that impression?
It was already very clear prior to the investigation than the police did not have any evidence to prosecute him - it came down to her word vs his word, and she has already been caught is some very serious lies that make her word extremely difficult to trust... Zeke is no choir boy,

This is certainly a strange case and it is obvious Goodell had his preconceived “guilty until proven innocent” mind set that was forcefully pushed on to his hired team.... Now I’m not saying Zeke is innocent, hell he’s no choir boy and may have struck miss Thompson - but they have zero evidence or proof - it’s all