Johnny Oldfield

so instead of travelling north of the Wall to capture one of the undead, couldnt they have just asked by raven if anyone at the wall or in Winterfell had died recently and not been burned? Or sent a rave to say, "hey, if someone dies, for whatever reason, do us a favor and just throw the body in a cell without burning

the most disappointing problem with the pace of the show now, for me at least, is in having to rush through scenes and reunions and new alliances which last only a few moments that in seasons past would have spanned multiple episodes. There isnt enough time to allow these moments the emotional weight they deserve

Have the staff here at the A.V. Club also read the leaked scripts for the final two episodes as have I? Be honest lol Im not suggesting that any of your odds are correct or incorrect just asking.

Im actually hoping for and pulling for an ending that will anger and disappoint everyone, myself included, just to see the fall out. Like the end of the Sopranos times a thousand but without the ambiguity of that ending…I just want to experience it lol

im not really having a problem accepting the unemotional robot that Bran has become as Three Eyed Raven, He is beyond human emotion and he has to be. He knows that Jamie pushed him off of the tower ledge but he is so beyond that he probably no longer cares

ugh HBO Now…I mean I love it and appreciate it but I have a 100 MBPS internet connection and however I watch GoT, whether on Xbox One S, on the app on my Samsung 4k, apple tv, or Roku it is so blocky and pixelated especially in dark scenes…no such problems with Netflix HULU etc…I know I know I should shut up and not

how great was the callback to season one last night. Back then when Arya went missing as she attempted to reenter Kings Landing the 2 City Watch guards did not believe her story that she was Arya Stark and her father was Hand of the King…same thing last night as she was prevented by 2 goofy guards from entering

Qyburn’s weapon clearly worked to the degree that it injured and forced Drogon from the battle. Its certain that news of this will reach Qyburn so assuming that there are enough craftsmen and materials left in Kings Landing to mass produce more such weapons then the logical thing would be to do just that to create a

the set up to Jamies charge on horseback was very well done. Those few moments and the close up shot of him on horseback watching Drogon descend to the ground and Daenerys climbing off to tend to his wounds. You could see it in Jamies face. He was always, before losing his hand, one of the greatest of swordsmen in all

in the months leading up to its release in 77(I was 11) I saw the original trailer on tv. The one with the incomplete sound and visual effects with some random, droning non John Williams score playing in the background. Compared to how professional and well done trailers are constructed today, that original Star Wars

Wolf BLitzer and his stupid Situation Room. They very thing that rational minded people accused candidate Trump of engaging in, playing on fear and ignorance, Wolf BLitzer is also guilty of on his "news" show. Its often irresponsibly over the top in playing to fear by hyping up the significance and seriousness of

Hollywood studio executives, men and women of honor, decency, ethics, and artistic integrity treated unfairly by the bully actor/director who had the audacity to have passion for his project. This is a cant see the forest for the trees thing if ive ever heard it..F the suits in the studios

Jarring now..yes. I was 10 years old xmas 1976. When I saw this trailer/teaser on television It came out of the blue. I had no idea that this movie was in production or going to be a thing. Couldnt have told you who George Lucas was..I was 10. In the 70's. A great childhood. But I still kind of remember how transfixed

aside from 6 weeks in USAF basic training at Lackland AFB in San Antonio in 1987, I made my first visit to Texas last Year visiting a friend who loves in Cedar Lake just outside of Austin. I was Impressed. Buc-ees, HEB, Food Trucks, Austin itself…whats not to love..and people were very nice

as a 14 year old in 1981..for about a summer there Journey was my favorite band..thats about right for a 14 year old in 1981. My first Journey album was the double live Captured and I played the shit out of it. I loved the double live album back then. Bought Escape the week it came out and played the shit out of that.

again back to my days working on Minuteman 3 and the MX(Peacekeeper.yes it was called that) missile systems at FE Warren in Cheyenne. When we would go out to the actual missile sites(silos) to do our thing we would pass through small towns…this one small town..I do not recall where..they had a really old high

the way it worked in the late 80's early 90's was like this. We had about 200 individual missile silos spread all over SE Wyoming, NE Colorado and SW Nebraska. All those missile silos, each containing mostly Minuteman 3's and a few MX one missile with multiple warheads per silo, were divided into flights of 20 silos

a million years ago in another life I was in the USAF stationed at FE Warren AFB. Used to work on power and environmental(a/c and heat) control systems deep down in the silos themselves as well as in the launch control capsules at the LCF's. The "turn your key, SIR!" scene was always funny to me. Those Capsule Jocks