Johnny Neill

If television has taught me anything, it is that all elevators have a hatch in the ceiling through which trapped passengers can escape!

Great movie!

Yeah, but he's Mick Jagger.

Jack McBreyer catching a churro in perfect time with the voiceover made my wife and me laugh out loud.


He had a mini arc in Gotham, where the audience was led to believe he was Young Joker. He wasn't. Also, Son of Zorn a couple weeks ago.

She put in the work and took a financial risk and saw an opportunity and took it. I didn't see any of that as selfish, just good business, and an accomplishment.


It was weird just bringing him back at all, when everything implied that he had been killed by his father in law.

I thought that was a really funny gag, and I also think that it is showing that Tandy is continuing a downhill slide from sanity. He's overcompensating for his post suicidal loneliness to such an extreme that I don't even see it as quirky, but full on manic.

Needed Yul Brenner or at least Wayne Knight.

Thanks. Saying Native American sounds like subjugation to my ears. "We named this land America, but since you were here first, we'll call you Native American, like you are a plant species."

Then he just got up and started singing instead.

More recently, I had never heard of The Strokes before they were on the Jack Black episode. They really exploded after that, so I know they had to already have a following, but still, SNL was a big premier to a lot of people. Also, Sleigh Bells. Even with the terrible sound mix, they were so cool to see. Bruno

I only know about it via South Park. It's not hard to not hear the actual pop music that grows its own pop notoriety tendrils.

I don't think Valencia is unearned or inorganic, I think she and Rebecca have a big thing in common - not just Josh, but the realization that they both projected so much onto this blank, immature broseph - and they are not here lonely. I don't think that in real life they would become friends that fast, or even real

Linda Belcher went to one.

Not that red headed dude sitting at the table. He looks like he's about to vomit.

But like they expected to.

Oh lord, what a sludgefest The Lobster was. I mean What The Hell?