Johnny Paycheck


Yeah, someone isn't going to transition now because of Veep. Also, the condescension is really helpful.

A friend of mine who transitioned partially before going back to their original gender is always amused when they read these hand-wringing, "punching down" comments from people. He finds it very transparent (don't even…) that people are saying things like this just so people will know that THEY noticed.

Inconsistent for a review but typical for this site. "white people" is the pejorative that keeps on giving.

That's what I love about Tina Fey. She's not writing while thinking in the back of her head - OK, I gotta say this to please this group, and this to please that group. I admire it because after being on this site for years, my own writing suffers because I'm too concerned about what people think and not challenging


This should be an acceptable place to embrace the gray areas of life - but in my experience, you just get attacked. Even when you explain you're a liberal and all that, (which is embarrassing in the first place signaling who you are) you still get people who chew you out in their quest to come off better than you.

Well, this once again proves my theory that whenever a show doesn't reinforce the AVC's ideals to a T, they get a grade that starts with C.

Not even that sometimes. Sometimes the game said "Congradulations!"

The grade has a typo. I thought these all automatically got unanimous As.

Well, I blocked Buzz. I suggest everyone does the same, as arguing with them seems pointless.

I was watching the last two episodes of American Gods, and I turned to my wife and said, "Do we watch ANYTHING that's normal?"
I love this Twin Peaks. People that complain it's not like the old TP remind me of the people that kept barking at David Chase to "stick to mob stuff" on The Sopranos. This feeling that

Is it future or is it past?

We won't know where they will appear, or when, but there are owls in the cookie jar.

I love these comments. People still manage to have problems with her giving to charities. It's never good enough, is it?

It's great to know even when people try to be charitable we can still be bothered by something about it…

Or the one where all the girls wore those "No Drilling" shirts that was about…bad drilling…I just thought the shirts were funny.

And IDS (Imminent Death Syndrome)

Together they look like crap.

Hey everyone, I'm 40…no one told me grim death was not far off. I thought I had at least a few good decades left!