Johnny Paycheck

She wasn't a pushover, and did do things that a normal, selfless person would do, but again, the childhood she describes to Bette was horrific, and most likely shaped her life in a very real way, down to the way she did her kids up like dolls and didn't let them do anything remotely fun.

Especially since everything Lil did could've been said without such an elaborate song and dance:
"She's mother's sister's girl!" = Uncle = Uncle Sam = Federal
Running in place = legwork involved
Making a fist = local police will be difficult

Sam Stanley: Agent Cooper, I've figured it out and I'd estimate this whole office costs roughly $1200 including tapes.

Jerry wasn't around a lot in season two. He was in Wild at Heart, as were many TP actors at that time. I always loved DPK as Jerry. He was so evil, but also so playful and joyous about it.

I thought Aldrich got a pretty fair shake. He got stamped on just like the two leads and his partner. In that hierarchy of Hollywood you had pigs like Jack Warner lording over everyone. Aldrich was a philanderer and was rightfully called out for that. I don't think he "deserved" better than he got.

UPDATE: Several AVC writers were arrested for jaywalking 15 years ago. Well, that didn't last long. Ugh. We can't have nice things.

Read about it in Baldwin's upcoming book "I'm Not Gonna Talk About That".

"Annie…who's Annie? Who's Annie? Who's Annie?!"

I have a WiiU (bought it long ago for Zelda) and I got Mario Kart 8. It is by far the best Mario Kart ever, but the Battle Mode was indeed a let down. I still play 8 all the time with my nephew but boy do I miss the old N64 Mario Kart Battle Mode. The WiiU version had you just running a regular course. Sucks because

M T Wentz, super mysterious food critic! Double R gets tablecloths! Appointment TV!

These days, Tojomoro would've been solved by the internet in 2 minutes. I was 14 at the time, so even after she surprised Pete I was like, "What's happening? Why is the businessman kissing Pete?"

Doc Hayward gave Dick and Andy a stern talking to about suspecting Nicky as the devil and basically said he was just a troubled orphan. It was very "Problem Child"ish but with 100% less use of Buh buh buh Bad to the Bone. For that, we can all be grateful.

Palindrones Senordnilap!

I love that clip.

(Problematic Indian "whooping" sound)

Kooloo Limpah!

Turns out they were all apprentices in one of Jigsaw's long games.

From my point of view it is the Gryffindor who are evil!

Woman turns her writing into an empire and gets millions of kids to read. She's a monster!