
So basically, stupid people made stupid comments? Seems about right. You'd need to be seriously butthurt to think that there's any meaning at all behind someone wearing clothes with Korean on them while they're in Japan. It might as well be the clothes' brand for all they know.

Kristen Wiig would be so good!

Tina Fey, Kristen Wiig and Amy Poehler. Gotta keep that Ghostbusters/SNL link strong.

Walking out of Guardians of the Galaxy, Mrs. Starlionblue turned to me and said, "The Fifth Element is still better". :)

I loved the everlasting shit out of this movie, and it deserves more love than it's getting right now. And that diva scene was something I had never seen in a sci-fi action movie before. It was, in a word, sublime.

I really, really miss this show. I miss all of MTVs Oddities, to be exact.

Very awesome. Where there's a mill, there's a way.

China's response now is better than their coverup in the early days of SARS.

Beat me at it.

And just imagine the kind of handy/prostate massage combo you could give!

Thanks for changing that Katharine.

I feel comfortable saying that most of Io9's readership will see the headline and think "Yep, Sam Wilson."

I'm unhappy with this headline.

Perfect riposte.

Because one party believes in science, the other in fiction.

I'm sure they don't know how to handle it properly and surely will die from it before having chance to use it for anything.

You should try watching Screamers too. Got the same atmosphere.

I like that she still wants to fit in "dye his carpet pink" between all that evil.