Looks like Detroit still has a crack problem.
Looks like Detroit still has a crack problem.
Well, that's one way to tailgate
This is absolutely disgusting.
About the response I'd expect from people who literally think the universe revolves around them.
Finally, a Disney Princess post I give a damn about.
So basically, stupid people made stupid comments? Seems about right. You'd need to be seriously butthurt to think that there's any meaning at all behind someone wearing clothes with Korean on them while they're in Japan. It might as well be the clothes' brand for all they know.
Kristen Wiig would be so good!
Tina Fey, Kristen Wiig and Amy Poehler. Gotta keep that Ghostbusters/SNL link strong.
I like that she still wants to fit in "dye his carpet pink" between all that evil.
Ah, of course, just like our Founding Fathers intended!
Shhhhhh, they're all busy feeling superior to the midwestern hicks. Facts ruin it for them.
I dig that. My daughter is 4, and if someone stole any of her Hello, Kitty! stuff, or her R2D2 bank, she would memorize every detail of their face and clothing and hunt them down through three Kill Bill type movies.
He wasn't arrested. He was questioned. In handcuffs. With his shirt pulled over his head. After his home was surrounded by snipers. And multiple cops in armor and camoflage. And had to negotiate an escort out of his house over the phone with a third party. For 5 hours.
I know how you feel. I am so paranoid that someone will point to gentle, gay, me and scream, "That tall black guy did it."
They were wayyyy to pumped to shoot a black guy. That's excessive whether he was guilty or not.
"The babysitter and her alleged accomplices were arrested, and could face robbery, burglary and perjury charges."
Yes, let's make this into a moral problem rather than a health one. Also, using the phrase "flood my body with chemicals" when referring to a vaccine only undermines your ethos on this website.