
I don’t think its bullshit. All the credentials he gave might be 100% spot on. It speaks more to the decline in educational standards in the US than the breadth of his vocabulary. 

100% agree with you on that point. I guess some people run into a word they don’t know the meaning of and immediately feel talked down to and get all huffy about it. Others take it as a learning opportunity and look up the word in the dictionary and, BOOM! They now know a new word! 

It seems to me that Ford is telling the truth and Kavanaugh is telling what he recalls as the truth. It is entirely possible that Kavanaugh just doesn’t remember doing what Ford says he did. High school kids aren’t exactly known for being sophisticated moderate social drinkers. I don’t buy the picture he’s trying to

This is still very heavy-handed and a result of too much unchecked authority given to ICE & CBP. A clerical error should not result in 11hrs of detainment and being handcuffed. If it was determined that they were entering under an improperly filed visa application, I don’t see a problem with returning them to their

#1 - Please explain this point. I really didn’t get what you were talking about.

This is a major part of the problem. There is a reason why the NRA has these people go out to the media, pretend to be there to listen, then say very thinly veiled remarks that outrage anyone with half a heart. The NRA does not protect the 2nd Amendment, the NRA does not represent most responsible gun owners. The

This is no surprise. When the markets eventually collapse thanks to this orange pile of sentient raw sewage, he’s going trot in front of reporters and proclaim how he predicted that ACA would fail and it was all Obama and the Democrats fault. When someone asks him about his sabotage of the payments that were part of

My very first cell phone was with Sprint way back in the day. I was with them and very happy until the Nextel merger. After that the network was crap and so was the customer service. I’ve been with T-Mobile for a while now and have been mostly happy with it. The coverage map could use some improvement but I’d say I’m

I think Bran is going be revealed as the most important character in this show/books. The way I see it, I’m pretty sure he’s the Lord of Fire and is the one giving visions to “help” things along. This gets a bit messy because, as they described it, the 3-eyed Raven exists in the past, present, and future. I think he

This happened to me once, then I created a user for each of my girls and helped them play through long enough for them to have some respectable gear. I also have a few amiibos so I got them gear that way too.

I have 2 ramen staples:

Thing is, it doesn’t matter. Whether or not this was cause by racism or incompetence will not bring his kid back. It will not keep another racist or incompetent cop from killing another kid. While this is an important conversation to have, regarding institutionalized racism, it won’t change things. We need to think

If Trump is allowed to complete his first term in office, I guarantee that after another 4 years of Donald, we’ll be given the “privilege” of electing Ivanka Trump as the first female POTUS. We will all be wondering how a Trump keeps winning every election. Given 8 years of Donald, I’m sure things will be sufficiently

I always thought “yellow” was used to refer to people with jaundice or other liver problems. I mean, everyone I’ve ever met that was yellow falls into this category... except that one time I saw a guy on bike have an unfortunate encounter with one of those trucks that paint the yellow lines on the road, but I digress.

Not soon enough. We’re weeks away from that military engagement Trump has been so eager to start. And remember what he said during his campaign, he’s not going to announce anything when he takes military action because wants to use the element of surprise. So we will find out about it once we’re elbow deep in an

I completely agree.

You are entirely correct. I did let my general distaste for the man and his administration color my comment. Thanks for pointing out my mistake. Congress has created lesser crimes to cover treasonous acts during peacetime such as Misprision of Treason, Seditious Conspiracy, and Espionage. I’m no constitutional law

You either overestimate Trump’s humanity or underestimate his volatility. Trump would 100% launch a nuke. He’s just itching to have an excuse to use one. That is the ultimate power. Trump is all about showing off his “strength”. 

When you have one candidate and his campaign coordinating the release of illegally obtained material with a foreign power to maximize damage to the other candidate, then the election results should not stand. I don’t place the blame only on Russia’s influence, but I think their efforts played a major role in the way

It most certainly IS illegal. A strong case could be made for treason. At this point, I don’t think the question we should be asking is if Trump & Co. did anything wrong. That’s pretty much in a given. The real question is what can be done about it. I am not so sure that impeachment and the 25th Amendment really can