
The issue isn't that we don't think he earned his money. The issue is that Notch is admired for his humbleness above all else. Part of what has made him such widely loved celebrity developer, has been his laid-back attitude and modesty. This extravagant purchase is disappointing to some fans because it runs

The issue isn't that we don't think he earned his money. The issue is that Notch is admired for his humbleness above all else. Part of what has made him such widely loved developer, has been his laid-back attitude and modesty. This extravagant purchase is disappointing to some fans because it runs contrary to their

Of course there is. Up here in North America and Europe, we ARE the Empire. We control most of the world politically, militarily, and economically. Our past colonial efforts in the Southern Hemisphere are largely responsible for the present day instability over there.

I think we might actually only be disagreeing with terminology then.

I don't want to disagree with your completely valid personal tastes, but I would like to point out that there's more to art than just appreciation of technical skill.

It's definitely the single weirdest game I've ever played, and probably the best one too. Whenever someone asks me to define postmodernism, I point them to Killer 7 (especially the super bizarre Power Ranger game show level).

I'm sorry, but MeganRivera's post has everything you need to know on the matter.
If you think it's weird that black people fixate on race, it's because it's a much bigger part of their life than it is yours. As a (I'm assuming) white male, you don't ever have to think about race or gender, because those things don't